Additional Hebrew and Klingon (pIqaD) fonts for webOS Touchpad

Through the magic of the webOS developer community there is a method to add Hebrew and Klingon fonts onto your webOS Touchpad.

You can also help out the developers who made this possible by purchasing their applications in the App Catalog.

Coloring Book HD by Avner Arbel

ComicShelf HD by Canuck Coding, also the developer of webOS Quick Install

The Palm Pre

I just updated to webOS 1.2 without a hitch. This post was uploaded using it.

Safari 4

I wanted to be able to be one of the first people to say that Safari 4 is bee ay u tee ful. [Update: I have uninstalled every instance of Safari on all Windows machines.]

Google Chrome is wicked fast.

I wanted to be one of the first people on Earth to say that after viewing pages on the internet with Google Chrome, the internet seems to be much faster.

Horizontal Scroll and Tool Tip in a select option form element.

Developers may sometimes want to have a horizontal scroll bar nested at the bottom of select option fields.

There is a way to encapsulate the select and option elements with a DIV tag.

<cfquery name="getDepartment" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT Dept_ID,Dept_Name
FROM Departments
<div style="overflow-x:scroll; width:200px; overflow: -moz-scrollbars-horizontal;">
<select name="thisSelectList" size="5">
<cfoutput query="getDepartment">
   <option value="#Dept_ID#" title="#Dept_Name#">#Dept_Name# &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</option>

Validate a list of required fields using cfscript

// sethron begin validation of req_fields here
bFormErrlist = "";
if (isDefined("Form.req_fields") and LEN(Form.req_fields))
for (rqID=1; rqID LT listLen(Form.req_fields,","); rqID=rqID+1)
{rqName = ListGetAt(form.req_fields,rqID);
rqFormName = 'Form.' & ListGetAt(form.req_fields,rqID);
if (not isDefined(rqFormName) OR not Len(Evaluate(rqFormName)))
bFormErrlist = ListAppend(bFormErrlist,rqName);


I really am enjoying our new Nintendo Wii!

The Kindness of Strangers

There is hope. People are kind. Give them a chance. Give good karma and good karma will come to you.

A nice way to redirect to a page with a select option list

This ought to be in the script tag.

function nav()
var w = document.myform.mylist.selectedIndex;
var URL_add = document.myform.mylist.options[w].value;
window.location.href = URL_add;
And here is the form tag.
<form action="action.cfm" name="myform" id="myform">
Jump to:
<select name="mylist" onChange="nav()">
<option value="thisURL.cfm?ID=36" selected >This
<option value="thisURL.cfm?ID=66">That
<option value="thisURL.cfm?ID=65">Here
<option value="thisURL.cfm?ID=59">There
<option value="thisURL.cfm?ID=45">Nowhere
<option value="thisURL.cfm?ID=58">Other
<option value="thisURL.cfm?ID=55">Random

List to quoted SQL IN list

<cfset list = "one,two,three">
<cfset quotedList = "'#replace(list,",","','","all")#'">
sql in list=<cfoutput>#quotedList#</cfoutput>
Note the single quotes before and after the # characters.

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